Technical Commission on Joining and Materials Processing for Light Structures, Japan Welding Society


International Symposium on

Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembly 2005

13-14 October 2005

Tokyo, JAPAN

The Symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembly is the premier technical symposium dedicated to joining thin-sheet and part fabrications in Japan and East Asia.  You are invited to consider writing and presenting a scientific as well as application-oriented paper for this symposium.  In order to allow for review and selection by the Technical Committee, a completed Author Application form with an abstract must be submitted to the JAAA2005 Secretariat by March 15, 2005. 


E@Program(tentative) : Please click here.


E        Application Guide : English / Japanese


E        Homepage : English / Japanese


E@Authorfs Guide


@Japan Welding Society (JWS)
@1-11, Kanda-sakumacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0025, Japan
@Tel: +81-3-3253-0488, Fax: +81-3-3253-3059